Valentines Fun!

So I must have more energy this valentines. I usually don't do much for it. I have been perusing through the net, looking at a ton of fantastic ideas. I found this awesome and easy idea from the DIY Louisville Blog and had to give it a try. I am all about something that is easy with awesome results.
Mine are not the exact same as the ones on her blog, but I was so happy with them.
I got some "double stuff" oreos (so there would be more room to squish the candy stick in the filling).
Candy sticks.
Mint chocolate chips (melted over a double broiler)
Conversation hearts (I had those on hand)
and some sprinkles that were in my cupboard.

1~ Put sticks in oreo filling
2~ Put chocolate chips on a double broiler to melt them (you could also use jersey milks, or candy melts instead)
3~ Dip the cookies in while they are on the stick, or you can brush them on with a basting type brush (which I did, because it worked better for me that way)
4~ Add decorations while the chocolate is still wet. (sprinkles, candies, icing decos, drizzle other chocolate colours on top etc)
5~ I put them in the fridge because I wanted them to set faster, but you can also leave them on the counter to get harder as well.
Here was another awesome idea that I found on Eighteen 25 's blog. I loved it so much and just had to try it out. So here are what M's valentines look like this year (typically, I just buy the typical cards from superstore or wherever, but, like I said...I must have extra energy).

I could not find little tootsie pops, but saw these heart suckers, and figured they were perfect. I just cut around the heart, so the plastic wouldn't cover her face in the picture.

So easy too.
~ I just took her outside and got my 2 daughters to hold up the blue fabric behind her. I told her to smile and put her hand out like she was giving me some flowers.
~Then I played around in photoshop to add the text and play with it a bit.
~I cut little slits in her hands (in the photo - 4x6 print) and pushed the sucker stick through. Now my 6 year old son wants me to make some for him too. I will change it around though to make it reflect him more.
I loved this idea. Check out Eighteen 25's blog to see how theirs turned out, and why I felt so inspired to do these. They also have a ton of cute links posted there to show more creative ideas for valentines. I also loved the shovel ones they have linked on there.

Here are some other fun ideas I was wanting to try out:
Another idea from DIY Louisville's Blog are these awesome chocolate covered rice krispie treats, that look like truffles, or boxed chocolates. Fantastic!
Photo from: DIY Louisville Blog

I also loved this cute, easy looking idea that I found on the Family Chic Blog
Photo taken from: Family Chic Blog

These were a cute idea to give to a teacher for Valentines Day (or for other occassions) from the cookies and cups blog.
Photo taken from: Cookies and Cups blog.

I also loved these valentine tags and recipe card download offered by Elle's Studio

Photo taken from Elle's Studio Blog

I LOVE this "10 things I love about you" book. What a great idea for a present for Valentines day. So thoughtful, and so cute! To me, it would be a perfect gift to give or receive. Check out more about it at It's a Crafty Life. There is also a download for the templates and numbers. I can't post a preview for some reason, so check out the link.

Here's a super easy thing, that is simple and cute too add to any decorating. I saw this on Momma's Kinda Crafty

Photo taken from Momma's Kinda Crafty

Way too many cute ideas that I looked at, but I will stop there. The internet can have inspiration overload.
Do you have any neat ideas for Valentines day that you would like to share?

*Oh, and you may have noticed that the name of my blog has changed. Reason being, my friend Janine suggested that this should be the title of my blog. I agreed that it was better than the other title I had for it. I also find it humorous because my sister in law, Alex, wrote me a message about some things she was doing, and that she thought to herself "WWAD" (What would Angela do?) to figure out what to do. What a funny and awesome sister in law I have to put any stock whatsoever into the things I say....maybe one day in the future I will let you all know about another little joke of ours...*the corner of shame* hahaha!


KYLE FAMILY said... 1

love little Maiya holding out her little treat on her valentine! SOOOOO cute Ange!!!! What a great idea for treats for the kids with the oreo sticks. When I saw them I them I thought they'd be way too complicated but they are very much my style for baking! easy assembly! keep up the great ideas!

Angela from what would angela do? said... 2

Thanks Sue! :)

~julee~ said... 3

I'm so excited that you tried the cookie pops! Using the mint chips sounds delicious!

~julee~ @

Anonymous said... 4

Thanks for the shout out!

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