
This morning I woke up from a dream, and I was SOOO angry at my husband. In the dream there was another wife living with us, and she was super frumpy and dumpy looking....and YET, he chose to be with her most of the time! Snuggling etc in front of me...the NERVE! I remember in my dream being so angry and upset that I said "We're so DONE!" and I ran off and did dishes (I'm guessing I did dishes in my dream because whenever I get angry I clean with a fury. It seems to help diffuse me). I woke up very happy that it was all just a dream, but I was still harbouring some resentment toward my husband for his attitude in my dream. hahaha!! How unreasonable is that?! I'm over it, I told him about it and he chuckled.
Anyways, this post is not about that dream, but one I had a little while ago. As you all know, I've had yellow on the brain while trying to bring some springtime to the province that just can't seem to let go of winter. Check out my yellow decorating posts here and here. I had a dream about some art I was going to put on my walls. In my dream, it was fantastic! I loved it, and woke up grateful that I remembered this segment of my dream (I rarely remember dreams). It being in a dream, I wasn`t quite sure how it would transfer over into reality...would it work out in real life??
Here is my dream come reality. I dreamt of gathering stones, spraying them yellow, and creating words for my wall. I don't remember what words exactly were in my dream, I just made ones that I thought would suit our home.

So I sprayed my stones yellow, then organized them on a white towel into the words I wanted. I took a picture of each and then brought it into my photoshop. I ran 2 textures overtop to give it the grey "texture-y" look and erased over the yellow stones to keep them untainted. Now for the wall test:
My frames are crooked, I know. I was overzealous with getting them in the frames to see how they looked. These were the frames that were already on my wall. I haven't decided if I would rather the frames be white or keep the black ones. For now I shall keep the black. What do you think?
I really like it! I've always been all about words, so this just speaks to me. Can you picture lots of fun places where this could apply in your home? Different colours would be fun depending on what you are decorating. Kids names? A love note? Bathroom reminders, lol.


Neener said...

Great idea!!! I like the black frames but I think white would be very stunning.

Angela from what would angela do? said...

Thanks! Yeah, I could see white ornate looking frames working really well. :)

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